Auto & Work Injuries

At Nucare Therapy, we use work conditioning to manage strength training for your work tasks. As you hope to recover and return to work, these services ensure that you have the strength, flexibility, and control to work effectively. You cannot be cleared for work otherwise.

Customized Conditioning Services

We use customized programs to ensure your success, working towards success in your chosen field. We offer short sessions five days a week, lasting for one to three months depending on how much care you require. We do not release you for work until we are certain you will thrive

Comprehensive Work Hardening Services

Work hardening is a more intensive approach to your care. We use this program to work you up from four hours or activity to eight hours so that you can return to work as normal.

For more information, reach out to our team at Nucare Therapy at 313-362-6682 Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.